Cuando un supermercado o tienda de abarrotes lo invita a su propiedad, ellos están obligados a mantenerlo a salvo, al menos en la medida de lo posible. El problema es que los supermercados están llenos de gente y, a menudo, son lugares peligrosos. Con estantes altos, pisos potencialmente resbaladizos, productos […]
Un accidente de auto puede ser una experiencia abrumadora para cualquier persona, dejando a las víctimas heridas, e inseguras acerca de las medidas que deben tomarse a continuación. Es importante que proteja su bienestar y sus derechos legales al saber con anticipación qué acciones tomar en los días y semanas […]
Las secuelas de un grave accidente de auto pueden ser confusas. Cuando se trata de un vehículo de Uber o Lyft, todo el proceso se vuelve aún más complejo y difícil de comprender. Después de haber resultado herido en un accidente con uno de estos vehículos, no tiene que lidiar […]
The busy and energetic nature of the city of Miami is known around the world. Year-round sun and tourists from all over make Miami a top destination. A downside to the pace of a city like Miami is the frequency in which accidents occur. A common accident in the city […]
Suppose you have been injured because of someone else’s negligence – you deserve to be compensated for your financial losses, pain, and suffering. Two ways to recover your damages are through an insurance settlement or a personal injury lawsuit. A common question people have is, “How much should my injury […]
Thousands of people are injured in Florida every day. Many of these injuries happen as a result of another person’s negligence. In these situations, injured victims may want to pursue a claim against the liable parties to cover their losses through compensation. However, the road to compensation can be challenging […]

After a car accident, a victim may rely on an insurance company to provide them with compensation for injuries, vehicle damage, and other related losses. However, insurance companies do not always provide a car accident victim with a sufficient amount of compensation in comparison to their losses. If you need […]
Premises liability lawsuits are typically thought of as “slip and fall” cases. Falling on a wet floor in a supermarket is an experience with which many people in Miami are familiar. However, injuries could occur for a wide variety of reasons, in a wide range of properties. People are hurt […]
When you go through a car accident in Miami, you may wonder who will be responsible for your accident and how much compensation you can expect from your claim. As you will discover in this article, the average settlement for your car accident can vary depending on the circumstances of […]
People in Miami and across Florida are injured daily in a variety of ways, including car accidents, slip and falls, or other incidents that were caused by the negligence of others. If you have been hurt and suffered both physical harm and financial losses, you should be compensated for your […]