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Our Florida pool injury and accidental drowning attorneys can help you if you or a loved one was injured in a pool accident. No money can repair the pain and suffering you may have experienced after your accident. However, compensation can help you recover from your injuries and cover all of the expenses related to it.

Thanks to our many years of experience handling many personal injury claims in Florida, we can hold the liable parties accountable for your losses. Prosper Shaked can help you during this challenging time. Call our office today and schedule your free, confidential consultation. Our phone number is (305) 694-2676.

Common Causes of Pool Accidents in Florida

Many situations can lead to a severe pool accident in Florida. In many instances, pool accidents happen due to negligence. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there have been thousands of devastating pool accidents, including accidental drownings over the years. Additionally, the CDC has established that one in five people who die from unintentional drownings are between the ages of fourteen and younger. Pool injuries are commonly caused by:

Lack of Supervision

Lack of supervision or adequate supervision is a common cause of pool accidents in Florida This is especially true in cases involving large crowds of people. The property owner is responsible for providing lifeguard security on their premises and ensuring they keep a close eye to everyone in attendance. Unfortunately, lack of supervision often leads to severe accidents such as an accidental drowning.

Lack of Proper Maintenance

The property owner has a duty to keep their equipment up and running, free from any dangers that may harm any user. Unfortunately, there have been numerous cases where poorly kept pool equipment has caused severe, life-threatening injuries. If you or a loved one was injured in a pool accident caused by poorly kept equipment, we can help. Prosper Shaked can help you hold the liable parties accountable for your losses.

Lack of Safety Devices

Pool owners in Florida, must follow all safety requirements set forth by the state. For instance, every pool owner must install fences and gates, allowing or restricting access to the pool’s premises. Additionally, you may be required to install a cover to protect the pool and prevent people from falling in by accident, especially younger kids. Unfortunately, there have been reported cases where lack of safety devices allowed minors to access the pool area, which led to injuries and accidental drownings. Our Florida personal injury attorneys can help if you or a loved one was injured in a pool accident due to a lack of adequate safety.

This is not an exhaustive list of the things that can lead to a devastating pool accident in Florida. However, it serves the purpose of illustrating some of the common situations where individuals have suffered – and continue to suffer- injuries.

Liability for Pool Injury + Drowning in Florida
Call us today at (305) 694-2676 or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Hablamos español.

After a pool accident in Florida, the first thing on your mind can be, “who will be responsible for my injury and losses?” In this type of case, different people may be liable for your accident. For instance, you may argue that the pool owner is the one responsible for your injuries. However, establishing liability in a pool accident or accidental drowning may not be as easy as pointing a finger to whom you believe is liable. You are required to show the defendant’s negligence, which we discuss further below. Some of the reasons a pool owner may be responsible for an accident include lack of maintenance, lack of sufficient warning, lack of safety feature installations, among others.

However, there are situations where someone else other than the pool owner may have played a significant role in your accident and injuries. For instance, a pool manufacturer may also be held liable if their negligence contributed to your losses. Every pool manufacturer has an obligation to provide safely designed and manufactured components. Sadly, some manufacturers engage in negligent actions that may cause the end-user to suffer a severe injury.

Compensation for Pool Accident Victims in Florida

Pool accident victims can see themselves buried in medical bills, which can pile up quickly, depending on the circumstances of the case. For instance, you may have suffered a disabling injury preventing you from returning to work. Additionally, you may have suffered a traumatic injury requiring multiple surgeries and continuing medical treatment. These losses can be compensated through a personal injury claim.

Nevertheless, before you can get the compensation you may require to cover all of your losses, you need to prove the defendant’s negligence. To achieve this, you must show – through the preponderance of the evidence – the defendant caused you harm. Generally, you are required to demonstrate the existence of a legal duty, breach of duty, causation, and harm. Without any of these elements, you may not be able to prove your case and get the compensation to cover your losses.

You may wonder, “how much compensation can I get from my claim?” Sadly, there is no straight answer to this question. Every personal injury claim in Florida is different. The circumstances of each case will ultimately affect their outcome. However, the court will generally consider factors that are common in most claims. For instance, in evaluating your case, the court will consider the extent of your injuries, property loss, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our Florida pool injury and accidental drowning attorney can help you.

Contact Our Florida Pool Injury + Drowning Attorney for a Free Consultation

If you were injured in a pool accident in Florida or your loved one drowned, we can help. At Prosper Shaked Accident Injury Attorneys PA, we are aware of all of the challenges that follow a pool accident. We know that you want to heal from your injuries and go back to your normal life. While no amount of money can undo your accident or replace the life of a loved one, it can help you through your healing process. Call our  office today for your free, confidential consultation.