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Can I Sue if I Was Shot by a Gun?

on  Personal Injury

Yes, but the real question is who should you sue. Far too many victims and families of deceased victims don’t understand the full extent of their legal options following a shooting. If you or a loved one suffered injury or even death due to a firearm shooting, your first point […]


¿Puedo Demandar si me Resbalé con Algas?

on  Español

La acumulación de algas hace que las superficies para caminar sean muy resbaladizas, lo que a menudo resulta en siatciones peligrosas. Los estudios han demostrado que las algas húmedas son más resbaladizas que el hielo. Es más probable que encuentre algas en áreas húmedas del país como el sur de […]


Can I Sue if I Slipped on Algae?

on  Premises Liability

Algae buildup makes walking surfaces very slippery, often resulting in dangerous hazards. Studies have shown that wet algae are more slippery than ice. You are most likely to find algae in damp and humid areas of the country like South Florida. So, when you slip and fall on algae, who […]


Are Personal Injury Insurance Settlements Taxable?

on  Personal Injury

Most personal injury settlements are not taxable. However, there are exceptions. Whether a settlement is taxable or not will depend on the language contained in the settlement or judgment.  Determining if a settlement is taxable or tax-free is more complicated because personal injury settlement agreements generally don’t allocate or identify […]