A crushed pelvis is a serious injury that could put a person’s life at risk. This type of injury will not only require surgery, but a victim will have to undergo extensive rehabilitation for an injury they may never fully recover from. If this happens, the victim should consider filing suit against the parties responsible for her injuries. If you or a family member was the victim of a serious accident, contact an experienced Miami broken pelvis attorney today.
Prosper Shaked Accident Injury Attorneys PA has an unwavering commitment to providing our clients with the legal representation needed to fight for the compensation they deserve for their injuries. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your Miami broken pelvis injury claim, contact Prosper Shaked Accident Injury Attorneys PA at (305) 694-2676, or contact us online.
Types of Pelvic Fractures
The pelvis is a ring of bones comprised of several different bones. When any of the bones in the pelvis break, this injury is referred to as a pelvic fracture. Due to the way the pelvis is situated, a fracture in one of the bones in the pelvis often leads to a fracture in another bone, typically a bone on the opposite side.
There are multiple types of pelvic fractures that could befall a victim. Understanding the different types of pelvic fractures can help understand the severity of a particular fracture. For example, a stable pelvic fracture is when the broken bones of the pelvis are still lined up, and the ring has not lost its shape.
Alternatively, a victim of an accident could also have an unstable pelvic fracture. Unstable pelvic fractures occur when two or more bones are broken, which causes the pelvic ring to begin to destabilize. In addition, unstable fractures typically cause a person to bleed more profusely due to bones pulling away from each other.
Stable and unstable fractures can also be separated into subcategories of open and closed fractures. An open fracture is when the broken bones of the pelvis are exposed because the skin around the pelvis area has been penetrated. Alternatively, a closed fracture is when the bones of the pelvis are not exposed because the break did not penetrate the skin.
The severity of a pelvis fracture is usually tied to the amount of organ damage that occurred as part of the injury. Severe organ damage could mean that the fracture could be a life-threatening issue, whereas a stable fracture with no organ damage may require minor surgery to correct.
Despite what type of pelvic fracture you suffered in Florida, you should be aware of who is responsible for your injury. To learn more about the common causes of pelvic fractures, continue reading and speak with an experienced Miami crushed pelvis injury lawyer.
Common Causes of Broken or Fractured Pelvis Injuries in Miami, FL
Call us today at (305) 694-2676 or
contact us online for a free case evaluation.
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Pelvic fractures can occur for a variety of reasons. Car accidents are one of the most common causes of pelvic fractures. Depending on the angle the victim’s vehicle is struck and the force of the crash, it can be easy for a person to suffer a pelvic fracture. For example, if a person was involved in a T-bone car accident where a negligent driver struck the side of their door, the impact near the victim’s hip can result in a pelvic fracture.
Additionally, many people suffer a broken pelvis due to a being struck by a vehicle while walking. If the pedestrian is hit with significant force or they are run over by a vehicle, it is likely they could suffer a hip fracture.
Slip and fall accidents are another common cause of many broken pelvis injuries. A slip and fall can happen for under a number of circumstances:
- The property owner had poor lighting on their land
- A stairwell had an unstable railing
- A liquid spill that was not cleaned by the property owner
- Malfunctioning equipment like an escalator
It is the duty of a property owner to correct a property defect or to at least warn a visitor of a hazard to their safety. If a property owner does not take precautions to keep their visitors safe, they could be held liable for their injuries.
Falling from heights can also be a factor when determining the cause of a pelvis injury. Construction workers and others that must work at heights should be protected with several safeguards to ensure that fall accidents on the job are less likely.
Whether you suffered a pelvis fracture at work or while driving, you should contact an experienced Miami crushed pelvis injury attorney to help you determine the appropriate legal action you can take.
Contact an Experienced Miami Crushed Pelvis Lawyer Today
If you or a family member was a victim of an accident that resulted in a broken pelvis, consult with an experienced Miami personal injury lawyer today. Injury lawyer Prosper Shaked has worked with residents across the City of Miami and South Florida, and he would be honored to work with you. To schedule a free case evaluation, contact Prosper Shaked Accident Injury Attorneys PA at (305) 694-2676.