The average payout for a motorcycle accident varies greatly depending on several factors, such as the accident’s severity and the extent of the injuries sustained. In addition, the insurance policies of the parties involved and the outcome of any legal proceedings can significantly impact the final payout amount. Injured motorcyclists […]
Category: Motorcycle Accidents
When you live in a city like Miami where the sun is always shining and people spend a lot of time outdoors, riding a motorcycle is a fun and practical way to travel around. Motorcycles might seem like fun vehicles to own, but there is no denying that they are […]
Given that motorcyclists lack the protection provided by four-wheeled motor vehicles (think airbags, seatbelts, and outer enclosure), they are at higher risk of suffering severe injuries. The most common motorcycle accident injury is road rash. In 2013, the National Trauma Data Bank reported 20,400 road rash cases, with over 2000 […]

If you have had the misfortune of being injured as a passenger in a motorcycle accident, you have several options in recovering damages through a personal injury lawsuit. As a passenger, you are entitled to file a claim against any driver who contributed to the accident. This includes the motorcycle […]
Florida law does not require riders over the age of 21 to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle, but only if they follow other insurance requirements. This law was passed in 2000 under much controversy. Miami motorcycle accident lawyer Prosper Shaked discusses the history of this law and how […]
Motorcycles, dirt bikes, mopeds, four-wheelers, and bicycles are some of the most common vehicles where riders typically wear helmets to protect themselves in case of an accident. While wearing a helmet can go a long way to help protect you, it is not legally required for most adult riders on […]
Many businesses use vehicles for shipping, local deliveries, transporting staff, or simple advertisement. When you’re involved in a car accident, typically the driver is responsible. However, when that driver is performing a duty for a company, the company may share some responsibility for the actions of its employees. Florida truck accident […]
Driving in Miami and other areas in Florida can feel like you’re taking your life into your hands. Many drivers in South Florida treat stop signs and red lights as suggestions, putting other drivers in danger. If you were involved in a car crash because someone else ran a red […]
Texting and driving is a relatively new problem – particularly in Florida – although distracted driving is not. Florida is the second worst in the nation for having distracted drivers at the wheel, followed closely by Louisiana. Miami car accident attorney Prosper Shaked provides insight on texting and driving laws […]
Miami is an excellent place for owning and riding a motorcycle. Not only are motorcycles easier to maneuver on city streets, but with the weather in Miami, you can ride them nearly year-round. However, the more you ride your motorcycle, the higher your risk of being injured in a serious […]