Cuando se trata de elegir un médico, quien elija podría afectar toda su vida. Necesita confiar en que su médico es seguro y competente y que su salud está en buenas manos. Entonces, ¿Cómo puede determinar si su médico tiene antecedentes de negligencia médica en Florida? Afortunadamente, existen numerosas formas […]
Alquilar un automóvil en Florida es una forma común y conveniente para que los turistas exploren el estado. Sin embargo, los accidentes pasan incluso con autos rentados. Es fundamental saber qué hacer en caso de verse involucrado en un accidente automovilístico en un auto de alquiler. Para ayudarlo mejor después […]
If you work in the construction industry in Florida, you already know that accidents happen. Despite the best safety measures, construction sites are dangerous places. In fact, Florida has one of the highest rates of construction accidents in the country. What are the most common types of construction accidents in […]
Did you suffer an injury on a cruise ship? Did you slip and fall on a wet deck on Carnival Cruise Lines? Perhaps you and your children suffered food poisoning on a Disney Cruise. No matter how your injuries occur, you need a lawyer on your side that can help […]
You get into an accident and suffer serious injuries. As medical bills pile up, you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company for compensation. However, the at-fault driver only carried the bare minimum auto insurance policy, and you quickly reach the limit. What can you do? Where can […]
You must complete specific requirements in Florida before filing a medical malpractice lawsuit in court. Pre-filing requirements for Florida medical malpractice claims ensure that your case complies with state regulations and that you’ve done your due diligence when investigating and notifying the liable parties. It is important to note that […]
Si cree que usted o un ser querido ha sido víctima de negligencia médica, un abogado con experiencia en negligencia médica puede ayudarlo. Sin embargo, reunirse con un abogado por primera vez puede ser intimidante y abrumador. Es importante prepararse de antemano para asegurarse de aprovechar al máximo su consulta […]
Renting a car in Florida is a common and convenient way for travelers to explore the state. However, accidents can happen, even in rental cars. It is essential to know what to do in case you are involved in a car accident in a rental car. To better help you […]
When choosing a doctor, who you pick can affect your entire life. You want to trust that your doctor is safe and competent and that your health is in good hands. So, how can you determine if your doctor has a history of medical malpractice in Florida? Fortunately, there are […]
If you believe that you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice, an experienced medical malpractice lawyer can help. However, meeting with a lawyer for the first time can be intimidating and overwhelming. It is important to prepare beforehand to ensure that you make the most […]