Answer: Only 3 percent of all car accident claims go to court. The other 95 percent of car accident lawsuits reach a settlement before trial. So, if you’re worried about going to court for your car accident claim, you can rest easier knowing that with an experienced lawyer handling your […]
Yes! You need a lawyer if you suffer an injury on a cruise ship. Why? Because cruise lines are large corporations with deep pockets. They employ large legal teams and insurance companies who fight aggressively to reduce their liabilities. You deserve someone on your side who can fight back and […]
Patients have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. This is known as the right to informed consent. Doctors must provide patients with enough information about a medical procedure or treatment so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not to proceed. When you’re a […]
La mayoría de los acuerdos por lesiones personales no están sujetos a impuestos. Sin embargo, hay excepciones. Si un acuerdo es imponible o no depende del lenguaje contenido en la liquidación o sentencia. Determinar si un acuerdo es imponible o libre de impuestos es más complicado porque los acuerdos por […]
Uber has revolutionized our commute, providing a convenient and efficient transportation solution for everyone in Florida. Whether you’re a Miami resident heading to work, a tourist exploring the Magic Kingdom, or a college student enjoying a night out in Miami Beach, the chances of using an Uber ride are high. […]
Yes! You can sue if your doctor did not diagnose your Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) quickly enough. If you believe you were not diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome quickly enough and suffered harm, you may have grounds to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit. CES is a serious medical condition that […]
If you’re considering plastic surgery in the Sunshine State, you’re not alone. Florida is a popular destination for those seeking cosmetic enhancements. In fact, according to the Palm Beach Post, Floridians Google numerous plastic surgery terms daily, including Brazilian butt lifts, tummy tucks, hair transplants, liposuction, and nose jobs. However, […]
Si los escombros voladores golpean su automóvil mientras conduce, es posible que pueda demandar a varias partes. Dependiendo de los detalles de su accidente, es posible que pueda demandar a otros conductores, propietarios e incluso a la ciudad o pueblo responsable del mantenimiento de la carretera. Presentar una demanda después […]
¿Quién tiene la culpa en un accidente automovilístico? Con carácter general, el conductor responsable del accidente tiene la culpa del choque y, en última instancia, de los daños y lesiones sufridos. Incluso en estados sin culpa como Florida, es esencial saber quién tiene la culpa del accidente automovilístico. Sin embargo, […]
Yes! You can sue if you’re injured at a gym in Florida. However, to win your case, you and your legal team must prove that the gym owner or fitness center acted negligently. This isn’t always an easy task, and you must hire an experienced Florida gym injury lawyer to […]